Work Visa

How to Settle Abroad With Your Family?

Do you want to build a career and life abroad with your family? The Immigrators has helped thousands of individuals and families settle in the world’s most liveable countries as one of the world’s leading overseas career specialists and a top work visa agent. We’ve seen firsthand how moving abroad can dramatically improve the migrant’s life and that of their family and parents. Our comprehensive overseas career solutions make us the #1 choice for professionals seeking to work abroad with their families.

End-to-end Job Search Services*

The Immigrators has streamlined the steps of working abroad to make your journey smoother. Our process aims to make your profile more accessible, attractive and engaging. Our services begin with helping you create a resume that meets international standards and help you craft an engaging LinkedIn profile. We then market your profile in the countries of your choice and work to get you to interview calls. A dedicated Job Search consultant will work with you on your international career, guiding you through the process.

Our Job Search Services* Include

Job Search Strategy Report

Our experts will create a comprehensive report based on your profile and help you decide how to position it in your target country.

Opportunity Research

We will identify industry trends and job sources to help you get more job offers. We can also help you modify your profile to present it on different platforms.

Job Applications

We will register your profile on various portals and sites and apply to relevant job postings on your behalf.

Why Work Abroad?

There are many reasons to consider working abroad. Here are some of the most compelling

Working in a foreign country can dramatically change your life and career. You’ll acquire new skills, both soft skills like communication and networking and new technical skills.
Working overseas allows you to learn a new language. This will not only help you in your work and make a living abroad easier for you. Besides this, your new language skills will positively impact your career.
Working abroad looks great on a resume. It shows that you’re adaptable, resourceful, and have a global perspective. All of these are qualities that employers value.
Working abroad is a great way to experience a different culture. This can be beneficial both professionally and personally. You’ll develop a better understanding of other cultures and how to work with people from different backgrounds.

Working in a foreign country will take you out of your comfort zone. This can be a good thing, as it will help you grow and develop. You’ll learn to be more independent and resourceful.


These are just a few reasons why working abroad can be a great experience. If you’re considering working abroad, carefully weigh the pros and cons.


Working in a foreign country is an excellent way to broaden your personal and professional network. Working with locals and ex-pats from other countries will expose you to new opportunities. Additionally, you will develop friendships with people from various walks of life, some of which could last a lifetime.


An international assignment on your resume could help you secure future employment. In today’s recruiting landscape, talent mobility is a highly sought-after skill set, and an increasing number of future professions will require foreign travel. As such, working overseas will demonstrate your flexibility and independence, making your resume stand out from the rest. Furthermore, any other skills or talents you acquire while abroad, such as proficiency in a foreign language, will bolster your resume.

Eligibility Requirements

To obtain a Work Visa, you must have the required talents in demand in a particular country. The necessary educational credentials and any certifications needed for the position must also be possessed. In addition, the required work experience for the situation should be obtained. A Language Proficiency Test may also need to be taken in some cases. This is especially common in English-speaking countries where an English test, such as the IELTS, would need to be taken before applying for a Work Visa.

How Can We Help You?

The Immigrators can help with your overseas career goals by providing resume writing services, LinkedIn marketing solutions, and resume marketing services. With The Immigrators, you’ll have access to job opportunities that are a good fit for you and the tools and experience needed to maximise your chances of success. Schedule a consultation with us today to get started on your journey to working abroad.

Top Countries to Work in


There is no doubt that Canada is a popular destination for individuals seeking.


Australia is a popular destination for many reasons. The country ranks high on the UN Human.


The growing economy offers numerous job opportunities. This translates to job opportunities.

Other Countries We Serve

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